Regulatory ESSENTIAL

Regulatory ESSENTIALS - modular information package with all the essential information for compliant products in your target market. Conveniently read online at Product-Compliance-Portal ROGER WILLCO.

Chemical; material compliance; substance; substance of very high concern; SVHC; REACH
Scope: This ESSENTIAL describes the regulatory requirements of substances of very high concern in objects.

Stakeholders: User, B2C products, B2B products
Legislation in force: ChemO ChemA ORRChem

Application national:

Countries: Image for CH Switzerland,  
Comment on the comparability to EU legislation: The ChemO is largely harmonised with the European REACH and CLP Regulations, apart from procedures relating to the registration of substances....
Status: Published 2020-05-12 by Inken Green and Linda Kritzler
Last change 2024-09-03 by Linda Kritzler: Required information for notification, Chemical requirements (general) (REACH)
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Scope of this ESSENTIAL
This ESSENTIAL describes the regulatory requirements of substances of very high concern in objects. '

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Important abbreviations which are special for this legislation or theme.

Analysis of regulatory requirements

Legislation in force for this PCT
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(only reachable with additional ROGER WILLCO license)

Are legal provisions regulates the product compliance topic? If yes, what is the reference (title, number)?

Scope of legislation
The ChemO is a collective legislation regulating the requirements for Chemicals in Switzerland.
The requirements for substances in objects are specified in the following chapters:

Title 2 Marketing Requirements
- Chapter 2 Notification and Declaration of New Substances

Title 4 Rules for Handling of Substances, Preparations and Objects
- Chapter 3 Handling of Substances of Very High Concern'

Responsible actors
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Which actor(s) are responsible for compliance with the legal provisions: e. g. - economic operators (manufacturer, importer, distributor, fulfilment service provider), - user (commercial/industrial/professional), - user (private, consumer)?

Regulatory market access conditions for the actor(s)
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What are the main regulatory requirements (e. g. conformity assessment fulfilment of essential requirements of Annex I 2006/42/EC) prior placing on the market, importation and putting into service (brief description)

Penalty by this legislation
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What are the possible penalties (e. g. sales ban, fines) in the case of non-compliance?

Exemption clauses
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Exempted devices/products or industry sectors.

Sub-federal legislation of states/counties
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E. g. by 2019 an Inter-Governmental Agreement (IGA) on governance of the Electrical Equipment Safety System (EESS) has been signed by Queensland, Victoria, Western Australia and Tasmania.

FTA/MRA status with EU
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Has the country signed a Free Trade Agreement (FTA) or a Mutual recognition agreement (MRA) with EU?

FTA/MRA status with EU
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Has the country signed a Free Trade Agreement (FTA) or a Mutual recognition agreement (MRA) with EU?

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Name of the authority for approval, registration, market surveillance and/or enforcement

Market surveillance authority
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Name of the authority for market surveillance and/or enforcement

Link/Reference to other reference document(s)
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Comment on the comparability to EU legislation
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Specific recommendations, information or most common mistakes

Route to compliance

Formal and administrative requirements

Registration at related authority required?
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Product registration? Manufacturer registration? Importer / Representative registration? if required.

Local representative legally required?
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Specific recommendations, information or most common mistakes

Obligations of producers, suppliers and users of articles

Producers, suppliers and users of articles can have information and notification obligations as well as the obligation to register substances in certain circumstances.

Registration obligations for substances
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Registration requirements for substances in articles

Registration obligations for articles
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Obligations for substances of very high concern (SVHC)

Obligations (notification, information) in relation to substances of very high concern (SVHC) or other special substances

Substances of very high concern (SVHC)
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what are the criteria for these substances? (e.g. Art. 57 REACH)

Substances of very high concern (SVHC)
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what are the criteria for these substances? (e.g. Art. 57 REACH)

Notification obligations
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e.g. Art. 7 (2) REACH Notification to ECHA if SVHC is present in those articles above a concentration of 0,1 % weight by weight (w/w).

Required information for notification
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Which information shall be submitted?

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Specific recommendations, information or most common mistakes

Deadline for the notification
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Here you will get textual information

Specific recommendations, information or most common mistakes

Duty to communicate information on substances in articles
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Duty to communicate information on substances in articles 2
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Required information to communicate
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Deadline for the information
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Code, ContinentCHE, Europe
Economic AreaEFTA
Official LanguageGerman, French, Italian, Romansh - Sprachengesetz, SpG |
Standard InstituteSchweizerische Normen-Vereinigung (Swiss Association for Standardization) - SNV |
HS CodememberYes


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