Regulatory ESSENTIAL

Regulatory ESSENTIALS - modular information package with all the essential information for compliant products in your target market. Conveniently read online at Product-Compliance-Portal ROGER WILLCO.

Food contact materials; food contact substances; food processing machinery; hygienic design of food processing machinery; hygienic design; hygienic sanitary design; product contact surfaces; cleaning; disinfection; dead spaces; bakery machines; grocery machines; meat; diary
Scope: This ESSENTIAL describes conformity procedures for food contact materials (FCM), based on consumer goods and food laws and ordinances of Switzerland

Stakeholders: Manufacturer, Importer
Legislation in force: Federal Act on Foodstuffs and Utility Articles (Foodstuffs Act, FSA / Lebensmittelgesetz, LMG) Ordinance on the implementation of food legislation / Verordnung über den Vollzug der Lebensmittelgesetzgebung (LMVV) The ordinance regulates: a) the official control of foodstuffs and consumer products and other official activities of the authorities responsible for foodstuffs and consumer products in Switzerland; b) the official control of foodstuffs and consumer products during import, transit and export, including more stringent controls for the import and transit of certain foods that pose particular risks; c) the methods of sampling, diagnosis, analysis and testing; d) the requirements for the national reference laboratories and their tasks; e) the training of the staff of the persons responsible for the implementation of the food legislation as well as the certificates of proficiency and diplomas; f) the processing of the data required for enforcement; g) the financing of the controls (EDI Consumer Goods Ordinance) Ordinance of the EDI on materials and objects that are intended to come into contact with food Technical Content: 1. General provisions 2. Identification 3. Quality assurance 4. Consumer products made of metal or metal alloys 5. Plastic consumer products 6. Consumer products made from recycled plastic 7. Consumer products made from cellulose film 8. Ceramics, glass, enamel and similar materials 9. Consumer products made of paper and cardboard 10. Paraffins, waxes and dyes 11. Consumer products made from silicone 12. Printing inks 13. Active and intelligent consumer products 13a. Paints and coatings 14. Updating the annexes 15. Final provisions Annex 1 - Symbol to designate the intended use of appropriately marked consumer goods Annex 2 - List of permitted materials for the manufacture of plastic layers for plastic consumer goods and requirements for these materials Annex 3 - Declaration of conformity for plastic consumer goods Annex 4 - Provisions for assessing compliance with migration limits for plastics consumer goods Annex 5 - Quality assurance system for recycling processes for plastics intended to come into contact with food Annex 6 - List of permitted substances for the manufacture of cellulose films and requirements for these substances Annex 7 - List of permitted substances for the manufacture of coated cellulose films with a coating derived from cellulose and requirements for these substances Annex 8 - Limit values ​​for the release of lead and cadmium from articles made of ceramic, glass, enamel and similar materials Annex 8a - Declaration of conformity for ceramic consumer goods Annex 9 - List of permitted substances for the manufacture of silicone consumer goods and requirements for these substances Annex 10 - List of permitted substances for the manufacture of printing inks and requirements for these substances Annex 11 - Symbol «NOT EDIBLE» Annex 12 - Declaration of conformity for active and intelligent consumer goods Annex 13 - Specific requirements for paints and coatings Annex 14 - Declaration of conformity for paints and coatings Annex 15 - Declaration of conformity for printing inks

Application national: Switzerland, Food Contact Substances, LMG/LMVV/LGV

Countries: Image for CH Switzerland,  
Comment on the comparability to EU legislation: The list of EC 1935/2004 Annex I - "List of groups of materials and articles which may be covered by specific measures" is similar to the list of substances of the EDI Consumer Goods Ordinance Annexxes....
Status: Published 2021-11-10 by Anette Dunkel-Reinboth and Michael Loerzer
Last change 2024-06-11 by Ina May: Legislation in force for this PCT, Food contact materials
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Scope of this ESSENTIAL
This ESSENTIAL describes conformity procedures for food contact materials (FCM), based on consumer goods and food laws and ordinances of Switzerland'

Analysis of regulatory requirements

Legislation in force for this PCT
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(only reachable with additional ROGER WILLCO license)

Are legal provisions regulates the product compliance topic? If yes, what is the reference (title, number)?

Responsible actors
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Which actor(s) are responsible for compliance with the legal provisions: e. g. - economic operators (manufacturer, importer, distributor, fulfilment service provider), - user (commercial/industrial/professional), - user (private, consumer)?

Regulatory market access conditions for the actor(s)
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What are the main regulatory requirements (e. g. conformity assessment fulfilment of essential requirements of Annex I 2006/42/EC) prior placing on the market, importation and putting into service (brief description)

Penalty by this legislation
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What are the possible penalties (e. g. sales ban, fines) in the case of non-compliance?

Exemption clauses
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Exempted devices/products or industry sectors.

Sub-federal legislation of states/counties
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E. g. by 2019 an Inter-Governmental Agreement (IGA) on governance of the Electrical Equipment Safety System (EESS) has been signed by Queensland, Victoria, Western Australia and Tasmania.

FTA/MRA status with EU
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Has the country signed a Free Trade Agreement (FTA) or a Mutual recognition agreement (MRA) with EU?

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Name of the authority for approval, registration, market surveillance and/or enforcement

Market surveillance authority
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Name of the authority for market surveillance and/or enforcement

Comment on the comparability to EU legislation
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Here you will get a table

Important abbreviations which are special for this legislation or theme.

Route to compliance

Formal and administrative requirements

Registration at related authority required?
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Product registration? Manufacturer registration? Importer / Representative registration? if required.

Local representative legally required?
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Equipment authorization (approval process)

Approval process (conformity assessment procedure)
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Means each legally required approval process prior placing on the market, importation or putting into service

Conformance document(s) to show compliance to the authority
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e. g. SDoC, technical documentation (for 10 years), filled-in approval forms (e. g. ACMA in AUT)

Conformance document validity and renewal
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Validity for Conformance document name mentioned. For mandatory certification validity is important.

Is a factory inspection legally required
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Hint to voluntary certification scheme
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If a important voluntary certification schemes exists, one link will be given. Important voluntary schemes are for example: UL, CSA, VCCI (Japan)

Testing & Standards

Specific requirements for testing
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e. g. is an accredited test lab. mandatory, limits, test samples, product description

National Standardisation Organisation
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Link to organisation

Are national standards based on IEC/ISO standards?
Here you will get a table

Undetailed information

Is in-country testing legally required?
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Acceptance of foreign test reports
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Regulatory labelling, markings and user information

Regulatory label (mandatory)
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e. g. product label

Regulatory e-labelling allowed?
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e. g. put the regulatory information and labels in a software menu

Warnings, symbols
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e. g. ANSI Z 535.4

Code, ContinentCHE, Europe
Economic AreaEFTA
Official LanguageGerman, French, Italian, Romansh - Sprachengesetz, SpG |
Standard InstituteSchweizerische Normen-Vereinigung (Swiss Association for Standardization) - SNV |
HS CodememberYes


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