Regulatory ESSENTIAL

Regulatory ESSENTIALS - modular information package with all the essential information for compliant products in your target market. Conveniently read online at Product-Compliance-Portal ROGER WILLCO.

Explosive atmospheres; Ex components; Fire code; IECEx certificates; major hazard installations; Hazloc; Hazardous location; Intrinsic safety; Fire damp; Combustible dust; Ex mark

Scope: This ESSENTIAL describes the safety of electrical equipment in explosive atmospheres requirements of South Korea, based on the: - Occupational Health and Safety Act and its enforcement acts and regulations - KOSHA Certification information

Stakeholders: Manufacturer, Importer, B2C products, B2B products
Legislation in force: The Occupational Health and Safety Act describes safety maesures and certification for dangerous machinery includuing equipment for use in explosive atmospheres. Article 38 (Safety Measures) (1) A business owner shall take measures necessary to prevent industrial accidents caused by any of the following dangers: 1. Dangers caused by machinery, apparatus, or other equipment; 2. Dangers caused by explosive, combustible, or inflammable substances, etc.; 3. Dangers caused by electricity, heat, or other energy. Article 84 (Safety Certification) (1) A person who manufactures or imports (including those who install or relocate machinery, etc. subject to safety certification prescribed by Ordinance of the Ministry of Employment and Labor or who makes any major structural alteration thereof; hereafter in this Article and Articles 85 through 87, the same shall apply) any hazardous or dangerous machinery, etc., prescribed by Presidential Decree as potentially causing risk to the safety and health of employees (hereinafter referred to as "machinery, etc. subject to safety certification") shall obtain safety certification granted by the Minister of Employment and Labor as to whether they meet the safety certification standards. Article 85 (Safety Certification Marks) Article 86 (Revocation of Safety Certification) Article 87 (Prohibition on Manufacturing Machinery Subject to Safety Certification) Article 88 (Safety Certification Institutions) Article 74 (Machines, etc. Subject to Safety Certification) (1) “Those prescribed by Presidential Decree” in Article 84 (1) of the Act refer to any of the following items (Note: Article 84 describes the Product Safety certification) 1) machinery or equipment ... 2) A protective device falling under any of the following items (a) Protective devices of presses and shearing machines; (b) Overload limiters for lifting machines; (c) Safety pressure valves on boilers; (d) Safety pressure valves on pressure vessels; (e) Rupture disks for releasing pressure from pressure vessels; (f) Insulation devices and tools for live-wire operations; (g) Explosion-proof electric machines, tools and parts; (h) Temporary equipment and materials for preventing hazards, such as crashing, falling, and collapse, and protecting people from such hazards, as determined and publicly notified by the Minister of Employment and Labor; (i) An industrial protective robot necessary to prevent dangers such as collisions and strictures, as determined and publicly notified by the Minister of Employment and Labor; 3) Personal protective equipment (listed) The specific types, specifications, and models of machinery, etc. subject to safety certification shall be determined and publicly notified by the Minister of Employment and Labor. CHAPTER VII Safety Certification Article 58 (Machinery and Apparatus Subject to Safety Certification) Article 58-2 (Exemption from Safety Certification) (2) If, for any item of machinery, apparatus etc. subject to mandatory safety certification, the levels required in any of the following certification or tests or any part thereof are deemed equal to or surpass the levels required in the safety certification as set forth in the former part of Article 34 (1) of the Act, such item shall be exempt from the safety certification as set forth in the former part of Article 34 (1) of the Act with respect to the applicable certification or tests or part thereof only: 1. where such item has been certified by an overseas safety certification organization as prescribed and published by the Minister of Employment and Labor; ... 4. where such item has been subjected to tests conducted by a testing and inspection agency under the Framework Act on National Standards; or 5. where such item has been certified under the International Electrotechnical Commission System for the Certification to Standards for Electrical Equipment for Explosive Atmospheres (IECEx) Scheme. Article 58-3 (Application etc. for Safety Certification) Article 58-4 (Types and Methods of Safety Certification Assessments) Article 58-5 (Method, Frequency etc. of Verification) Article 58-6 (Recording, Retention etc. of Materials on Safety-Certified Products) Article 58-7 (Submission etc. of Materials on Safety Certification) Article 58-8 (Safety Certification Marks)

Application national: South Korea, Occupational Health and Safety Act, KCs Mark

Countries: Image for KR Korea, Republic of (South Korea),  
Status: Published 2023-01-26 by Anette Dunkel-Reinboth and Michael Loerzer
Last change 2025-02-10 by Anette Dunkel-Reinboth: Hint to voluntary certification scheme , Explosion protection
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Scope of this ESSENTIAL
This ESSENTIAL describes the safety of electrical equipment in explosive atmospheres requirements of South Korea, based on the:

- Occupational Health and Safety Act and its enforcement acts and regulations
- KOSHA Certification information'

Analysis of regulatory requirements

Legislation in force for this PCT
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(only reachable with additional ROGER WILLCO license)

Are legal provisions regulates the product compliance topic? If yes, what is the reference (title, number)?

Responsible actors
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Which actor(s) are responsible for compliance with the legal provisions: e. g. - economic operators (manufacturer, importer, distributor, fulfilment service provider), - user (commercial/industrial/professional), - user (private, consumer)?

Regulatory market access conditions for the actor(s)
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What are the main regulatory requirements (e. g. conformity assessment fulfilment of essential requirements of Annex I 2006/42/EC) prior placing on the market, importation and putting into service (brief description)

Penalty by this legislation
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What are the possible penalties (e. g. sales ban, fines) in the case of non-compliance?

Exemption clauses
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Exempted devices/products or industry sectors.

Sub-federal legislation of states/counties
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E. g. by 2019 an Inter-Governmental Agreement (IGA) on governance of the Electrical Equipment Safety System (EESS) has been signed by Queensland, Victoria, Western Australia and Tasmania.

FTA/MRA status with EU
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(only reachable with additional ROGER WILLCO license)

Has the country signed a Free Trade Agreement (FTA) or a Mutual recognition agreement (MRA) with EU?

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Name of the authority for approval, registration, market surveillance and/or enforcement

Market surveillance authority
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Name of the authority for market surveillance and/or enforcement

Link/Reference to other reference document(s)
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Here you will get a table

Important abbreviations which are special for this legislation or theme.

Route to compliance

Formal and administrative requirements

Registration at related authority required?
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Product registration? Manufacturer registration? Importer / Representative registration? if required.

Local representative legally required?
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Equipment authorization (approval process)

Zone/ Equipment Group/ Category Model
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Approval process (conformity assessment procedure)
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Means each legally required approval process prior placing on the market, importation or putting into service

Approval process (conformity assessment procedure)
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Means each legally required approval process prior placing on the market, importation or putting into service

Approval process (conformity assessment procedure)
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Means each legally required approval process prior placing on the market, importation or putting into service

Is the IECEx system accepted by the authority/approval body?
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"[Yes/ No / no information available] [Text] Information (website)"

Conformance document(s) to show compliance to the authority
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e. g. SDoC, technical documentation (for 10 years), filled-in approval forms (e. g. ACMA in AUT)

Conformance document validity and renewal
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Validity for Conformance document name mentioned. For mandatory certification validity is important.

Which documents are required by an approval body?
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e .g. formal application

Is a factory inspection legally required
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Hint to voluntary certification scheme
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If a important voluntary certification schemes exists, one link will be given. Important voluntary schemes are for example: UL, CSA, VCCI (Japan)

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Specific recommendations, information or most common mistakes

Testing & Standards

Specific requirements for testing
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e. g. is an accredited test lab. mandatory, limits, test samples, product description

General information to the application of standards
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e. g. China: GB standards are mandatory, EU: harmonized standards shall be published in the OJEU with respect to "presumption of conformity"

Source for standards for conformity assessment
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National Standardisation Organisation
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Link to organisation

Are national standards based on IEC/ISO standards?
Here you will get textual information

Undetailed information

Is in-country testing legally required?
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Acceptance of foreign test reports
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Regulatory labelling, markings and user information

Regulatory label (mandatory)
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e. g. product label

Regulatory e-labelling allowed?
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e. g. put the regulatory information and labels in a software menu

Required information on the product and/or packaging
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e. g. address of the manufacturer/importer, serial number

Digital user documentation allowed?
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User instructions allowed by QR-Code/internet or digital medium or integrated in device with display? Safety instruction allowed by QR-Code or digital medium?

Warnings, symbols
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e. g. ANSI Z 535.4

Code, ContinentKOR,
Economic Area
Official LanguageKorean - Framework Act on Korean Language |
Standard InstituteKorean Agency for Technology and Standards |
HS CodememberYes |


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