Scope: |
This ESSENTIAL describes the reason for a radio equipment approval and the required test and certification process, based on:
- The Radiocommunications Act 1992
- The Radiocommunications Equipment (General) Rules 2021
The frequency plan is not inside the scope.
Broadcasting is not inside the scope.
Legislation in force: |
Radiocommunications Act 1992 (Act No. 174 of 1992)
This legislation is made under the Radiocommunications Act 1992.
In force since 25 Feb. 2023, replacing the Radiocommunications (Compliance Labelling – Devices) Notice 2014 made under subsection 182(1) of the Radiocommunications Act 1992.
For transition requirements between the repealed Radiocommunications Notice 14 and the Radiocommunications Equipment (General) Rules 2021, see:
SCHEDULE 3, Part 5—Transitional
General application and exemptions for related devices and persons.
Labeling requirements (RCM mark)
General standards usage. Radio standards
EMC-Standards usage. Electromagnetic emission of devices
EME-Standards usage. Electromagnetic field exposition to human
RCM mark.
The standards are listed inside of this legislation or the related links are given.
1 - Preliminary
2 - Service provider determinations
3 - Industry codes and industry standards
3A - Local access lines
4 - Protection of communications
5 - Standard agreements for the supply of carriage services
6 - Carriers’ powers and immunities
7 - Application, saving and transitional provisions
Valid only for high power (P>2 W) FIXED transmitter
fixed transmitter means a radiocommunications transmitter:
(a) located at a fixed point on land or sea; and
(b) not designed or intended for use while in motion.
At least a registration is required and a label in the way as written on the approval.
Comment on the comparability to EU legislation: |
Australian Radiocommunications legislation is not comparable to the EU RED.... |